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    Oh, dude, Dr. Klogg probably said something like, “Well, that’s not going in my omelette!” I mean, who wants a side of rotten dinosaur with their brea
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    Did dinosaurs roam the lands during the pennsylvanian period?

    Asked by Wiki User

    No, dinosaurs did not roam the lands during the Pennsylvanian Period. The Pennsylvanian Period occurred from approximately 323 to 298 million years ago, while d
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    Did dinosaurs drink from springs fed by glaciers?

    Asked by Sandra Gamoah

    Well, isn’t that a fascinating thought! Dinosaurs roamed the Earth millions of years ago, and they probably drank from various sources like rivers, lakes, and e
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    What does Carnotaurus prey on?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Carnotaurus was a large theropod dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous period. Based on its physical characteristics, such as its robust skull and shar
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    Who would win in a brachiosaurus vs apatosaurs fight?

    Asked by Wiki User

    In a hypothetical fight between a Brachiosaurus and an Apatosaurus, the Brachiosaurus would likely have the advantage due to its larger size and longer reach wi
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    Does roar mean i love you in dinosure?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, I wish I could say yes, but unfortunately, that’s not quite accurate. “Roar” is actually just a sound that dinosaurs make, like how we human
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    What is the bite force of a giganotosaurus?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The estimated bite force of a Giganotosaurus is around 4,230 pounds per square inch (psi). This measurement is calculated based on the size and shape of its sku
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    Which dinosaur walked in four legs and had a horn over each eye plus one on its nose?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Ah, what a majestic creature you’re thinking of, my friend! That sounds like the mighty Triceratops. With its strong four legs and distinctive horns, it roamed
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    If it turned out that dinosaurs were colorblind how would this affect the assumptions that scientists have made on them?

    Asked by Wiki User

    If dinosaurs were found to be colorblind, it would challenge assumptions about their visual abilities and behaviors. Scientists have previously speculated on di
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    When did the Allosaurus become extinct and what caused its extinction?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The Allosaurus became extinct during the Late Jurassic period, approximately 150 million years ago. The exact cause of its extinction is still debated among sci
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    What has been around for a million years but it never a month old?

    Asked by Wiki User


    Where did torosaurus live?

    Asked by Wiki User


    What do underwater dinosaurs eat?

    Asked by Wiki User


    What is the most scientific support of the extinction of dinosaurs?

    Asked by Wiki User


    What are archaeopteryx habitat?

    Asked by Wiki User


    What time period did the sac and fox live in?

    Asked by Wiki User


    The Permian-Triassic boundary is coincident with the what?

    Asked by Wiki User


    At one time dinosaurs lived on Earth. Today they are extinct. This relates to?

    Asked by Wiki User


    Do baryonyx dinosaurs hatch eggs by themselves?

    Asked by Wiki User


    What dinosaur had nostrils near the top of his head that functioned like a natural snorkel?

    Asked by Wiki User


    How do dinosaurs affect nature?

    Asked by Wiki User


    When did the government apologize to viola desmond?

    Asked by Wiki User


    What is the color for 65 years aniversary?

    Asked by Wiki User


    What countries were the earliest and morphologiclly most primitive dinosaurs found?

    Asked by Wiki User



    What dinosaurs are eight letters long?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Aardonyx Alocodon Apatodon Astrodon Barilium Baryonyx Ceratops Cionodon Citipati Coelurus Deinodon Dollodon Draconyx Dracorex Dysganus Efraasia Eocursor Eolambi
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